
Introduction to Blockchain in Java

A lot has been written about blockchain, but there are very few examples of the technology in action. So to understand it best is to write your own ;)

Here I will explain how blockchain works and support it with a practical demonstration of blockchain written in Java. If you are not familiar with Java, you can skip through the code bits, and you should still be able to get some useful information. Otherwise, if you are interested in the project's code part, you need basic Java knowledge and should be familiar with tools like Maven and frameworks like Spring Boot, Mockito, Junit,...


JavaChain is a simple blockchain implementation based on Java and Spring Boot Shell, made mainly to give you a basic idea of how the blockchain works.

To build the project, run: mvn clean install
The project is executable from the command line (work in progress) as an executable main class: JcApplication (java -jar target/jc-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
which will open a shell where we can run specific commands. For now, there is just one executable command: miner <data> <difficulty>.

Basic Concepts Behind Blockchain

Blockchain is heavily dependent on cryptography and cryptographic concepts that provide a basis for a reliable and secure decentralized system.
I will try to quickly and as simple as possible explain the basic concepts behind cryptography used in blockchains.     


Encoding is the process of transforming one format of data into another, so a system or a user can process it.
E.g. of encoding types: UTF-8 to ASCII, Base64 ...
Practical e.g.: if we encode the string "this is not really a secret" to base64 format, it will generate an encoded output "dGhpcyBpcyBub3QgcmVhbGx5IGEgc2VjcmV0".
This encoded output can be used to transport data over different protocols and later decoded back into a human-readable format.

In the JavaChain project, the encoding method is located in the EncodingUtility class. In the blockchain, it is used mainly to convert bytes to hexadecimal representations during the mining process.

public String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
    for (byte byt : bytes) {
        hexString.append(Integer.toString((byt & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1));
    return hexString.toString();

More examples of encoding can be found in src/test/java/com/javachain/util/EncodingUtilityTest.java     


Hashing is the process of converting given data into usually a shorter hashed value. A hash value is not reversible.
E.g. of hash algorithms: sha-1, md5 , sha-256 (used in BitCoin), SHA-3/Keccak, etc.
Practical e.g.: if we run sha-256 on a string "this is secret" it will produce output "37dca33640e56a775653bb63381c114c9790898858036674a25bdf4a34c98ca4". If somebody messes up with that data, then the hash value will be different (for example, the hash is used when we download new software distributions. We run hash on that downloaded package and check it against the given hash. If hashes are the same, then we know that nobody did meddle with that package).

In the JavaChain project, the hashing method is located in HashingUtility class, and it is triggered when we generate a new block.

public byte[] sha256(String message) {
    MessageDigest messageDigest = null;
    try {
        messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(CRYPTO_HASH_ALGORITHM);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Can't digest the message. {}", e.getMessage(), e);
    return Objects.requireNonNull(messageDigest).digest(message.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

More examples of hashing can be found in src/test/java/com/javachain/util/HashingUtilityTest.java


Encryption is the process of transforming data into a secure unreadable format.
Symmetric encryption uses a secret key (all parties/users who are supposed to see this data should know this key).
e.g of encryption algorithms. Blowfish, AES ...
Asymmetric Encryption uses public / private keys to encrypt and decrypt data     E.g. of encryption algorithms: RSA, DSA ...
Practical e.g. of RSA encryption:
1. U1 initiates a transaction
2. U1 encrypts it using U1's PRIVATE key
3. U1 encrypts it again using U2's PUBLIC key
4. U1 sends the transaction to U2.
5. U2 receives a transaction from U1
6. U2 decrypts it using U2's PRIVATE key
7. U2 decrypts it again using U1's PUBLIC key
8. U2 can see the transaction details.

In the JavaChain project, encryption happens when we do a transaction between wallets and is done using EncryptionUtility class methods.

public String sign(String message, PrivateKey privateKey) {
    Signature privateSignature;//hash the data (SHA256) and encrypt it (RSA)
    byte[] signature = new byte[0];
    try {
        privateSignature = Signature.getInstance(SHA_256_WITH_RSA);

        signature = privateSignature.sign();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Can't sign the message {}", e.getMessage(), e);
    return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(signature);

During the process of mining, we need to validate the transaction and verify the digital signature.

public boolean verifySignature(String signer, String signature, PublicKey publicKey) throws SignatureException {
    Signature publicSignature = null;//hash the data (SHA256) and encrypt it (RSA)
    byte[] signatureBytes = new byte[0];
    try {
        publicSignature = Signature.getInstance(SHA_256_WITH_RSA);
        signatureBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(signature);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException e) {
        LOGGER.error("Can't verify signature: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
    return Objects.requireNonNull(publicSignature).verify(signatureBytes);

More examples of encryption can be found in src/test/java/com/javachain/util/EncryptionUtilityTest.java     

Private Key
Used in asymmetric encryption, is a secret string of randomly generated alphanumerical characters, known only to the person that generated it.     

Public Key
A string that corresponds to a private key, but does not need to be kept secret.     

Digital Signature
A number that proves that a signing operation took place. A signature is mathematically generated from a hash of something to be signed, plus a private key.

1. U1 signs a message with its private key.
2. U1 appends to the original message a version encrypted message
3. U2 receives both the message and signature
4. U2 uses U1's public key to verify the authenticity of the message

Cryptography in Blockchain

Symmetric encryption is used to converted data to a form that cannot be understood by anyone who does not possess the secret key to decrypt it.
E.g., a bitcoin wallet is encrypted with symmetric AES-256-CBC encryption.

Each new blockchain transaction is recorded and verified onto a new block of data in the blockchain. Each block in the chain includes a digital signature linking it to the previous block.

E.g. (b = block; prk = PRIVATE KEY; puk = PUBLIC KEY; s = SIGNATURE)

  1. 1st transaction ( b0 + prk1 => HASHED => s0 )
  2. mining => transaction gets approved / (puk1 + s0)
  3. block gets synced between the wallets
  4. 2nd transaction. b1 + pk2 => hashed => s1


Building Blocks of Blockchain

A cryptocurrency wallet is the main "store" of blocks and credentials linked to users. The keys, linked in the wallet, are used to encrypt/decrypt and track ownership of transactions. Each wallet communicates with another through its protocol (this is mocked in the JavaChain project).

In JavaChain, each wallet contains:

  • public / private key and signature used for encryption,
  • signer/owner used mainly for human readability
  • and a blockchain where the transactional data is stored

Blocks are encapsulations of transactional data. Miners are continually processing new transactions into new blocks added to the block chain's end.
Each block is a growing chain of blocks that are linked using cryptography. Once a block is mined/approved/"nonce solved" it becomes immutable and cannot be deleted or modified.
In JavaChain, each block contains information about:

  • list of transactions,
  • the nonce is the number that blockchain miners are trying to solve (proof-of-work)
  • the hash (fixed-length presentation of the block data),
  • address of a miner,
  • creation date.

A transaction is a transfer value that is broadcasted to the network and collected into blocks. In JavaChain transaction contains:

  • list of incoming and outgoing sub-transactions,
    • List of InTransactions (that is constructed on InTransaction and OutputIndex of previous OutTransaction list
    (they have to match)) // t5.setInTransactions(Arrays.asList(new InTransaction(t2, 2), new InTransaction(t4, 0)));
    • List of Out transactions (money sent out of your wallet)
  • fee (miner gets once it is approved),
  • a digital signature,
  • digital signature,
  • the amount we are sending (temporary storage),
  • wallet related fields - like keys, sender address ...

Mining is a core process in the blockchain. It is a process of validating transactions and adding it to the blockchain and solving a "cryptographic puzzle."
To mine a block, miners need to find a nonce.

In Javachain, the mining method is located in BlockService.

public Block mineBlock(Wallet wallet, List<Transaction> transactions, Block previousBlock)
            throws SignatureException {

In this method, we validate the transactions, previous blocks and mine the nonce. A nonce is a dynamic number that is used in the blockchain "proof of work" algorithm. It is a number added to a hashed or encrypted block and is becoming more significant with each block (the computational power needed to mine the block is becoming more and more complicated).

The best example to see how the whole blockchain works it is in (src/test/java/com/javachain/JcApplicationIT.java)

LOGGER.info("Wallets initialization started");

Here we can imagine that at the begging, three users download the wallet.

assertEquals(new BigDecimal(0), blockService.computeBalance(patriksWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(0), blockService.computeBalance(donnasWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(0), blockService.computeBalance(johnsWallet));

1st user creates/mines a genesis block and is awarded 25 tokens.

LOGGER.info("Creating a new initial / genesis block");
Block genesisBlock = blockService.mineBlock(patriksWallet, new ArrayList<>(), null);

Wallets are synced (this is supposed to be a continuous background job inside of the wallet).

patriksWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(patriksWallet, genesisBlock);
johnsWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(johnsWallet, genesisBlock);
donnasWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(donnasWallet, genesisBlock);

LOGGER.info("Block (in this case just initial block) is transferred to other wallets (each wallet does that)");
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(25), blockService.computeBalance(patriksWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(0), blockService.computeBalance(donnasWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(0), blockService.computeBalance(johnsWallet));

After the user has tokens, they can start doing transactions with each other. In this case, Patrik sent John and Donna 5 tokens.

LOGGER.info("5 tokens is being set to be sent to Johns and Donnas wallet (patriks wallet UI)");
donnasWallet.setAmountToBeSent(new BigDecimal(5));
johnsWallet.setAmountToBeSent(new BigDecimal(5));

LOGGER.info("Create first real transaction - send 5 tokens to Donna and 5 to John (patriks wallet UI)");
t2 = transactionService.send(patriksWallet, false, donnasWallet, johnsWallet);

Transactions need to be validated, and when a miner does that, the balances change in user wallets. Here John validates the transactions (is awarded 25 tokens) and receives the token from Patrik.

Block b1 = blockService.mineBlock(johnsWallet, Collections.singletonList(t2), genesisBlock);
LOGGER.info("Miner John approves the transaction (this could be any miner - first one wins the fee)");

patriksWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(patriksWallet, b1);
johnsWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(johnsWallet, b1);
donnasWallet = walletService.syncBlockchain(donnasWallet, b1);
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(15), blockService.computeBalance(patriksWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(5), blockService.computeBalance(donnasWallet));
assertEquals(new BigDecimal(30), blockService.computeBalance(johnsWallet));
LOGGER.info("Once the transaction is approved the wallets need to be synced again (syncing is ongoing/looping process)");

That is roughly the whole end to end "happy path" scenario (there are additional scenarios located in BlockServiceIT and WeaknessesIT).



I hope this gives you a better overview of how the blockchain works and the concepts behind it.
While blockchain could be a future alternative to current transaction banking systems, certain issues could be improved in current blockchains (i.e., transactional speed and scalability issues). Another vulnerability is binding to a particular hashing algorithm. While that is not an issue at present, it could become an issue in the future. With more powerful computing (like quantum computing) also, modern algorithms could be at risk.

Links and useful resources
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf http://www.michaelnielsen.org/ddi/how-the-bitcoin-protocol-actually-works/ https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/How_bitcoin_works https://quizlet.com/de/412572806/blockchain-bitcoin-transactions-flash-cards/